should i attend west point

10. Student/Faculty Ratio: 7:1 Athletics: The West Point Black Knights compete in the NCAA Division I Patriot League. Those who earn it are given a "golden ticket" and wear a "ring of power" which will certainly carry them to successful careers with doors flung open in the military, in business, even in personal relationships; as so many are seduced by the historic prestige of the United States Military Academy. Don’t worry! The title West Point Graduate carries a great deal of weight in this world. Noticed I said "foundation," not a "guarantee." Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. The average SAT score composite at West Point is a 1270 on the 1600 SAT scale. Attending the United States Military Academy at West Point ("West Point") is a weighty decision that should override "just going to a college on a scholarship". Your essay should indicate why you want to make a commitment to West Point and the … Cadets that attend West Point Academy will graduate with a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1 of 42 different majors. West Point SAT Requirements. How do cadets at West Point have fun? This is based on the school's average score. Location: West Point, New York Campus Features: West Point occupies an enviable spot on the Hudson River, 50 miles north of New York City. I visited the academy and got a small taste of what it might be like to go there. All West Point graduates must serve in the military after graduation. It's also a calling to a lifestyle of discipline, integrity, and leadership. Established in 1801, the entire main campus is a designated National Historic Landmark. I've been accepted to West Point, but I am unsure if I would really like to attend next year. I became interested in the academy last year and was accepted to the Summer Leaders Seminar at West Point. The financial aspect of West Point is not what draws me to the academy though; it's the call to service in the finest Army in the world. There are so many ways that cadets at West Point have fun. #1: Clearly Demonstrate Interest in West Point and the US military. He needs to think about why he wants to attend West Point and an IVY. Would you pick a doctor/lawyer/dentist based on their undergraduate institution or their medical school/law school/dental school. "As a cadet, you are a member of the U.S. Army, receive a full scholarship and an annual salary from which you pay for your uniforms, textbooks, a personal computer, and incidentals. When someone asks me why they should attend West Point, my typical answer is that it will give them the foundation to be successful in life. Average SAT: 1270. Deciding to go to West Point is a big choice—one that will affect the rest of your life, even beyond graduation. In my opinion, it is the highest calling a US citizen can do for their country. It officially costs about $205,000 to produce a West Point graduate, although a 2003 Government Accountability Office study put the price tag at … After 3 years of listening to a female high school student work toward a goal of attending West Point, 4 years of being a cadet, and 6 months of being a 2nd Lt in the Army I think I can say that your experience will not be very different than a man's. There is no tuition charge, but there is a requirement for an initial deposit. Cadets at West Point get all the benefits of a college experience, too. The academic courses Cadets take will help prepare them for their role as a commissioned officer in the United States Army, as well as preparing them for life after the Army. "Maybe I didn't get into West Point, but I tried and almost did," he said, speculating on how a Soldier might think about their application process. This score makes West Point Competitive for SAT test scores.

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